Fall Research 2017: Week 7
This week I spent the majority of my time research methods to automatically upload player data from our game to dropbox, as well as other alternative sources. I first discovered an app called autosync dropbox that lets you automatically sync and share unlimited files and folders with Dropbox and with your other devices. However, I found out that this particular app was depreciated. Additionally, this would not have been an ideal solution for my problem because it mainly worked for photo and video files. Next, I came across a solution called Git which is flexible for pulling down multiple copies of repositories to different local folders. This is the solution that I am currently exploring for our issue. I also met with my partner to discuss the implementation of text to speech for our current project on DDoS. He discovered a text-to-speech program that we are currently testing to understand how to best implement it for our game. Currently, we plan to use it for on screen directions and any possible character dialogue to minimize the player's need to read.